Let's be Remarkable Together
Position your company at the leading edge of ophthalmic innovation. Contact us to become a sponsor!
​PALLADIUM SPONSORSHIP — Both Meetings: $115,000 | Single Meeting: $60,000
Invitation to 2 Executive Committee meetings to provide feedback on agenda topics and presenters
Private invitation for 2 attendees at a networking session with AAO and Eyecelerator leadership at the May 2 and October 16, 2025 meetings
Private hospitality suite near the Eyecelerator main session room for the May and October meetings
Private invitation for 2 attendees to interactive government relations webinar with reimbursement expert who will discuss reimbursement trends, current codes under evaluation, and more; time will be allotted for Q & A
Verbal recognition of your company from the podium
List of presenting company contacts (opt-in required) selected for the May 2 and October 16, 2025 meetings sent two weeks before each meeting
Company logo displayed prominently on Eyecelerator website, e-blasts, and meeting signage
Company logo to be linked to your company's website from Eyecelerator sponsors page
Distribution of a 10-15 second company video on the Eyecelerator LinkedIn page
One digital sign at the Fall meeting, to promote your company or product
30 free passes for April 4 and October 17, 2024 meetings
25% discount on additional passes for sponsor employees
PLATINUM SPONSORSHIP — Both Meetings: $60,000 | Single Meeting: $32,500
Opportunity to submit feedback on agenda topics and sponsors
Private invitation for 1 attendee to interactive government relations webinar with reimbursement expert who will discuss reimbursement trends, current codes under evaluation, and more; time will be allotted for Q & A
Company logo displayed prominently on Eyecelerator website and meeting signage
20 free passes for May 2 and October 16, 2025 meetings
25% discount on additional passes for sponsor employees
GOLD SPONSORSHIP — Both Meetings: $30,000 | Single Meeting: $17,500
Opportunity for interaction regarding program and agenda
On-demand access to recording of government relations webinar with reimbursement expert who will discuss reimbursement trends, current codes under evaluation, and more
Logo display on Eyecelerator website and meeting signage
10 free passes for May 2 and October 16, 2025 meetings
25% discount on additional passes for sponsor employees
BRONZE SPONSORSHIP — Both Meetings: $15,000 | Single Meeting: $10,000
Logo display on Eyecelerator website and meeting signage
7 free passes for May 2 and October 16, 2025 meetings
Opportunity to present from stage to interested attendees
Designated networking location throughout the day with seating for small meetings
Presentation featured in digital catalogue
2 free passes for live meeting
**Fee is per meeting. ​Presenting companies must apply and be selected by the Program Committee to take advantage of these benefits. If a sponsor submits the application and is selected as a Presenting Company, the presentation fee of $5,000 will be waived.